Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally! The video!

Sorry it took so long for us to get all this downloaded and formatted. I was able to whittle it down to an eminently watchable 12 minutes (broken into two YouTubeable parts). Check it out. This is better that us making you come over for dinner and the slide show.

Part 1: From Arches to Yellowstone

Part 2: From a hail storm in Yellowstone to home sweet home


  1. Hi,
    Welcome home. Just enjoyed your last two videos. What a vacation! It was fun to experience it along with you and your family. Did you bring the horse home with you? Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us.
    Jean Lund

  2. I just went back and enjoyed, yet again, your "12 minute" vacation. Thank you for your great videos. We can enjoy your vacation and resurrect again our cross-country trip memories. What a wonderful gift for our family.

    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa
